Replay: Blending Masterclass with Blender Eric Flynn

December 15, 2023

The Masterclass

When: Replay Now Available Below


Watch a replay now of our end of year event where Barry Chandler and Stories & Sips Blender Eric Flynn hosted a masterclass in whiskey blending to formulate our next Club whiskey release with more than 40 of our Club members.

40 lucky Whiskey Club members were drawn by ballot for the chance to purchase a Two Stacks blending kit ahead of the tasting session and joined other Club members to see how whiskey components are chosen, the ratios different components work best in and how to balance a blended whiskey with components of varying complexity. 

Over the course of the Masterclass, Eric proposed a number of different blends, led us through a sampling of each component and helped us taste three different blends by alcohol strength for us to evaluate. 


Watch replay below



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