Replay: Meet The Maker with Fionnán O’Connor

August 28, 2024

Replay now available at base of page


Join us for a special livestream event with renowned whiskey historian Fionnán O’Connor as we celebrate 700 years of Irish whiskey – or at least the distilled spirit that became Irish whiskey!

We’ll bust some whiskey origin myths, chat about the Red Book of Ossory that recorded Aqua Vitae in Ireland in 1324 and talk about Fionnán’s ambitious and fascinating Créatúr whiskey project.
Stories & Sips Whiskey Club members will be familiar with Fionnán from our groundbreaking History of Irish Whiskey Podcast and from his many appearances with us on live events and even on our Whiskey Bus adventures across Ireland. 


Don’t miss this chance to put your own questions directly to Fionnán and learn more about his Creatur project that he’ll share more about with us on the night. 

Watch replay below



