Whiskey Cask Purchases: All You Need To Know

May 22, 2024

When: Wednesday May 29 at 7pm EST
Where: Member's Zoom

Join Stories & Sips founder Barry Chandler for a deep dive into the complicated world of whiskey cask ownership, investments and shares.

If you've ever asked the following questions then this livestream event is for you:

- How do you purchase a cask of whiskey?
- What's the difference between purchasing from a distillery vs a broker?
- Why do prices vary so much between distilleries?
- What does the price include?
- What additional costs should I expect to pay?
- Why are casks being advertised as "investments"?
- How do you participate in cask share programs?
- What happens at the end of the maturation period?
- How do you bottle whiskey from your cask?
- What are the logistics around shipping bottles to the U.S.?
- What are the risks with whiskey casks?

We'll answer these questions and any more you may have live during our event.

As the Irish whiskey industry evolves, so too does the range of whiskey cask opportunities. It can be helpful to understand this complicated world.

Register for our private member Zoom event below now.



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