A Visit to the Tullamore Distillery Cooperage
In 2021, the new Tullamore Distillery opened the first cooperage in Offaly in more than 60 years. Under the watchful eye of Head Cooper Enguerrand Vandenbossche, barrels are repaired and readied for the single pot still, single malt and grain spirits made onsite in Tullamore.
Hailing originally from France but now a proud Irish resident, Enguerrand has more ten years experience working with the intricacies of wood and has bolstered the capacity of the cooperage by taking on two apprentice coopers to learn their craft directly from him.
We were lucky enough to spend an afternoon hearing about Enguerrand's experience across Europe over the past decade and his approach to barrel repairing in Tullamore when we recently toured the distillery.
Watch the full video below
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